PowerSaver©, manufactured by Hiromasa Technologies Group co.,  is used by more than ten thousand 7-Eleven retail stores and over 50,000 other businesses nationwide in Japan.


The main concept behind PowerSaver© is based on the controlling and adjusting the power voltage between the power supply and devices in order to reach the ultimate power usage efficiency.  Most power plants supply power higher than the regulated value.


Practically speaking, voltage will go down by cable distance, its called voltage drop.  We have several standards voltage are 380V/220V 3Phase4wire system, 208V/120V 3Phase4wire system, or 220V/110V 1Phase3wire system.  Power company has to supply the voltage at least same as the required standards for various end-users. Usually one power substation supplies several hundreds houses, and power company considers the distance made its voltage decreasingly. Therefore, it increases the voltage to overcome this problem.  That’s the reason why the voltage supplies normally over the standard.  It means we need to pay more power fee for extra voltage, which is not used. Because higher voltage is made more watt (P = VI) consumption.


Product manufacturer vendor follow standard voltage to design their product but they also consider if voltage unstable still need let their product running.  So like Computer, TV  electronic equipments have a self-adjust-voltage design to overcome this issue.  Even voltage down to 102V, in case standard voltage is 110v, or high than 120V they still can work like normal.  Therefore, we appropriate reduce voltage can save our bill and equipment can run no problem.



PowerSaver©, based on real-world field studies and trials, adds a layer of power management to control the quality of power outputs.  PowerSaver© partitions higher voltage to let the devices function normally with the lowest power voltage possible, thus achieving the effect of power saving.  If suddenly the power voltage drops to lower than the required range, i.e. 201V instead of required 220V, PowerSaver© will automatically detect and provide power bypass within as little as twenty thousandth of a second to ensure the proper functioning of the equipments.


PowerSaver is targeted towards the customers with relative power voltage over the required specification.  For example: the standard regulated voltage is 220V, and the actual supplied voltage is above 220V suchlike 225, 230, 235, or even 240V.  When the supplied power voltage is higher, the effect of PowerSaver is more significant.  Therefore, it is advised to simulate the voltage overage at 225, 230, 235, or 240V when testing the PowerSaver, and see how much of electricity one can save.


PowerSaver has a 3-stage voltage monitor and control design; power-saving action is determined on the source signal indication, after 30 seconds of activation, PowerSaver enters the first stage by decreasing 9.5V from the supplied voltage.  After one hour of detection, if there is still room to decrease the voltage, PowerSaver then enters the second stage by decreasing 19V.  When the lowest voltage setting is set at 204V, when the supplied voltage is lower than 204V, PowerSaver will activate the BY PASS action.


When testing PowerSaver, it is advised to simulate devices and equipments requiring different power load, such as for home, office, factories, and public locations and compare the percentage of power saving based on the different locations.


Power company can't guarantee their voltage to house is exactly 110v or 220v, but equipment vendor need guarantee their product can work on any conditions in reasonable voltage unstable.  That what power company always supply more than we need it.  And why product manufacturer need make their product can work on a minimum voltage. (still I don’t recommend we should put his part to explain it, it only makes the people confuse. We should focus on the general idea, concept, and product operation. As my following paragraphs have been mentioned the concept.)


Observe any changes before and after using the PowerSaver product, the percentage of power saved Not only PowerSaver saves the energy, but also prolongs the life of the devices and equipments.  In addition, with the use of the PowerSaver, your business/home has just become more environmental friendly.

Power Saver Test Excerpt


Test Department:

Power Saver test report by NTUST(National Taiwan University of Science and Technology) Department of Electronic Engineering 



Power Saver Performance Test - Decrease Voltage operation performance Test



Hiromasa SK233-T150



2001, July 10





Test result:

600W Fluorescent lamp fixtures, 220V decrease 9.5V performance comparison

Condition 1, Power Source  220V-Standard VoltageCondition 2, Power Source  210.5V (decrease 9.5V)-Decrease Voltage

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